NOW HIRING: Job Openings for the 2025-2026 academic year

Upper School Math & Science Teacher
Cedar Classical Academy seeks a full-time Math & Science Teacher in the Upper School (Grades 7-12). Cedar Classical has added one grade each year since opening with grades K-6 and will now graduate its first seniors in May 2026. Cedar Classical Academy is a six-year-old school with a strong singing culture and a clear emphasis on parental partnership. A math and science teacher at this Academy trains students not just to find the right answer but to become good mathematicians and scientists—to do the heavy lifting of reasoning and discovery in every class. Cedar views mathematics and science as the language of creation intended to cultivate in students wonder, wisdom, work, and worship.
This position includes instruction in Algebra I, Earth Science, Astronomy (1 semester), and Natural Philosophy (1 semester). This position may include additional classes in Latin, biology, or logic. The Academy desires to continue to offer classical languages to all students in 3rd-12th grade and is still looking to gain more Latin and Greek teachers, so proficiency in either language is strongly preferred, but a lack of proficiency should not discourage an otherwise qualified applicant from applying.
At Cedar Classical Academy, we believe that virtue is an excellence of the whole person which includes both moral and intellectual aspects. From this Academy’s perspective, a student with good grades but a bad attitude is a failing student. Because of this, the Teacher will join Cedar’s eight other Upper School faculty members to cultivate students’ intellectual and moral virtue with a view toward equipping them for adulthood. The Teacher will model love of the content and joyful tenacity in the face of difficulty. The Teacher will represent and vigorously enforce the Academy’s code of conduct and policies. In addition to these specific duties, it is expected that the Teacher will model the Christian faith, discipline and disciple students, regularly incorporate Christian themes in their classes, and pray with and for students on a regular basis.
This position is a full-time, salaried position with a start date of July 1, 2025. Teacher training is provided on campus in August. Teacher mentorship from the Head of School will be provided throughout the year. The Teacher will have a bachelor’s degree. Prior teaching experience is preferred.
The Teacher shall be a born-again believer and a member in good standing of a local church. Applicants should carefully review our Mission Statement, Vision Statement, and Statement of Faith. Download the application here and send it to We require background checks and fingerprints for all employees and volunteers.

Upper School History Teacher
Cedar Classical Academy seeks a full-time History Teacher in the Upper School (Grades 7-12). Cedar Classical has added one grade each year since opening with grades K-6 and will now graduate its first seniors in May 2026. Cedar Classical Academy is a six-year-old school with a strong singing culture and a clear emphasis on parental partnership. A history teacher at this Academy teaches history as the God-ordained story of man’s vice and virtue from which students must learn their place in the world. All of our Upper School history courses focus on primary sources. These courses include:

(1) The Renaissance, The Reformation, & The Enlightenment
(2) American History
(3) Ancient History
(4) Medieval & Church History
(5) The Founding & American Civics
(6) Modern History & Politics
This position includes instruction in 2-3 of these history classes in grades 9-12, and may include additional classes in Latin, Greek, or rhetoric. The Academy desires to continue to offer classical languages to all students in 3rd-12th grade and is still looking to gain more Latin and Greek teachers, so proficiency in either language is strongly preferred, but a lack of proficiency should not discourage an otherwise qualified applicant from applying.

At Cedar Classical Academy, we believe that virtue is excellence of the whole person which includes both moral and intellectual aspects. From this Academy’s perspective, a student with good grades but a bad attitude is a failing student. Because of this, the Teacher will join Cedar’s eight other Upper School faculty members to cultivate students’ intellectual and moral virtue with a view toward equipping them for adulthood. The Teacher will model love of the content and joyful tenacity in the face of difficulty. The Teacher will represent and vigorously enforce the Academy’s code of conduct and policies. In addition to these specific duties, it is expected that the Teacher will model the Christian faith, discipline and disciple students, regularly incorporate Christian themes in their classes, and pray with and for students on a regular basis.
This position is a full-time, salaried position with a start date of July 1, 2025. Teacher training is provided on campus in August. Teacher mentorship from the Head of School will be provided throughout the year. The Teacher will have a bachelor’s degree. Prior teaching experience is preferred.
The Teacher shall be a born-again believer and a member in good standing of a local church. Applicants should carefully review our Mission Statement, Vision Statement, and Statement of Faith. Download the application here and send it to We require background checks and fingerprints for all employees and volunteers.